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Saturday 23 October 2010

How to kiss a girl

 Kiss a Girl and Fill Her Mind with Delight

Just like the initial approach, and just like when you asked for a number, going for a kiss can be an intimidating moment for most guys. Why? Because it is a point where you could be rejected!
In general most guys will talk for a few minutes, or hours and then make for a kiss, some of the more patient ones will wait for a movie moment style to kiss a girl outside her house!

Would you like to know how to kiss a girl?

If you want to give an amazing impression to your partner every time you kiss, then you definitely need to know the basics of How to kiss a girl.
  • To avoid any unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations, a first kiss should always be done while the two of you are alone. This will help to ease out the tension and allow you to enjoy.
  • The best type of kiss is one that uses different variations… such as starting with a small kiss, working into a French kiss, maybe sucking on your partner’s upper or lower lip. Don’t just leave kisses to the lips… Kiss their cheeks, chin or even eyelids. This can be very seductive and romantic.
  • Believe it or not, yet, kissing is an art form! For each of us the kissing experience is different but the ground rules of kissing remain the same.
  • The first step in kissing is known as “Getting into position”. The second rung is called “Finding her comfort level” and the last step… well, that can be left to your imagination and creativity!

How to Kiss Passionately?

Kissing is something that people do almost everyday, even few times a day. Most of us are not really concerned about the way we kiss each other, yet some of us like to make those kisses special. These people like to give the best to the partner… not just a simple kiss, but a passionate, enchanting kiss.
To create that excellent impression on your partner, you need to do something extra-ordinary. Simple kisses are part of our mundane lives, but if you want to be different and leave an electrifying effect, then start with a passionate kiss. If you would like to find out how you can do it, then here are few ways of learning how to kiss passionately.
  • Freshness Pays. Make sure your breath doesn’t stink so much as to make your mate faint! Before you dive in for the kill, have the decency to freshen up. Once you are fresh enough approach her with a kiss
  • Feel It. Listen to her lips with all of your senses and your whole body as you kiss her. It turns girls off when their partner isn’t sure about himself so lean on to the kiss with confidence. Turn your head slightly so that you don’t squish noses, as your lips move to hers.
  • Build the Heat slowly.  A passionate kiss doesn’t have to be filled with haste and aggressiveness. Move slowly and build the heat from thereon. Most women like to take kissing slowly so hold off on the tongue initially unless she is thrusting her tongue into your mouth. As a rule take the initiative only when you have at least been modeling her kiss for a minute. Let the feeling envelope both of you and get romantic as you move on with the process. Experiment with what feels right and it should feel right for both of you.
  • Armed with Love. Start using your arms as things really get interesting. Put your arms to work. Don’t find awkward positions for your limbs… instead go for something like a gentle yet steady hug would. A mild tug on her hair would also be a good idea.
  • Try something more advanced. As the kiss progresses, its time to go ahead with some exciting new ideas. Why not try some French kissing?  Tease her by sticking your tongue a little bit… engage in some tongue play if she responds. Try a little necking if things progress even further. As long as both of you are comfortable, enjoying the kiss and want more, there should be no dearth of ideas.
You must have always wanted to kiss a girl and make her think that you are an incredible kisser! Kissing can be so intimate, so spicy, and very enchanting. It is an amazing way to show your feelings and continue to build on the profound intimacy that you share with your woman.
Permit yourself the time, the patience, and the generousness to truly enjoy your kiss.


Most guys will talk for a few minutes, or hours and then lunge in for a kiss, or they will wait for a movie moment style kiss a girl outside her house. So if you want to give an excellent impression to your partner, then you need to do something extra-ordinary. Find out how few ways of learning how to kiss passionately.

How to Kiss – Some Very Effective Tips

for Guys and Girls

The most sensuous and intimate feeling you can experience with another person is ‘A Kiss.’ Many people experience apprehension about kissing or don’t know how to kiss or ask for a kiss; unfortunately, while there’s no ‘Right’ way to kiss. Not to worry! Whether you’re getting ready for your first kiss, or you’re an experienced kisser and just want to improve your skill a little bit of practice and the knowledge of essential kissing tips, will do the trick for you.

Get Real

  • We’ve all seen and appreciated many great kisses in the movies. It looks so simple and alluring and seems to happen spontaneously. But hey guys, it’s scripted and edited so many times to make it look so perfect. Alas! Real life is absolutely different.
  • Already started wondering if you are doing it right or are turning your date off? Well real life needs practice and there are no retakes. If you do it right, the rest will fall into place.
  • Kissing can be a hard thing to do and nothing can fully prepare you for a kiss until you get comfortable doing it. Never underestimate the power of a great kiss.

Kiss to a girl: Getting started


  • Before kissing a girl, there has to be some more activity from your side than just ‘friendly conversation’. You need to create plenty of sexual tension between you and the girl. To build sexual tension between you and a girl, you need to use certain attraction techniques such as flirting, etc.
  • You also need to work out whether it’s the right time or place to be kissing in addition to building plenty of sexual tension before you kiss. While some girls won’t mind kissing in front of their friends or in public places, most modern, independent ones girls would like to kiss away from prying eyes. Some places
  • Like inside a car, bedroom or lounge room, in a quiet street or by the beach, or when you’re parting ways at the end of the date are good places to kiss.
  • However, first, you need to know if a woman is interested in kissing you at all. Don’t get overconfident and rush the job, only to get slapped or insulted in the process.
  • Avoid every painful and embarrassing rejection and only kiss a girl who is actually interested and ready in kissing you. Knowing how to read a girl’s interest in kissing you will allow you to smoothly move things forward when the time is right.
To know when a girl is interested in kissing you, you need to be alert about distinctive changes in her body language and behavior. Look for:  more eye contact with you, she may laugh at all your jokes, she may talk on a more personal level, tilting of her head down while looking up at you and biting her lip…and so on.

Knowing How to Kiss a Guy

Are you tired of waiting for your boyfriend to kiss you? If you do not take some initiative yourself waiting for that first moment may take forever. Most girls are too shy to make the first move; however, it is easy to learn to kiss a guy. The intimate feeling of kissing your man will be worth overcoming the nervousness.
  • Get to know the guy before you kiss him; also make sure to break the touch barrier. It’s a big turn off to rush things. Be generous, smile and flirt.
  • Some guys are shy so if you are taking the first initiative try sitting close enough to your boyfriend/crush to be able to kiss him
  • Use your gestures and body language to your advantage: Look in his eyes, then slowly drop your glance to his lips and look back into his eyes. He should get the hint that you want to kiss him. If he doesn’t, get your signal, then lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips. If he likes it and smiles back then, indulge in a more passionate kiss.
  • The very first thing you need to understand when learning how to kiss a guy with passion is that the timing needs to be just right. However there is basically no right time for a kiss, which others can predict, you have to feel the emotion within and check for the vibes before you are at it.
  • Another very important thing to keep in mind is that nobody wants to kiss someone with nasty breath. If you think that you possibly could be kissing then it’s a great idea to brush your teeth or maybe pop a mint to freshen up.
  • Hey girls! Please don’t even think of kissing if you have chapped and dry lips. It is highly unattractive and a big turn off. Make sure your lips are moist and soft so that they are a pleasure to kiss.


There’s no “right” way to kiss, many people experience anxiety about kissing or don’t know how to kiss or ask for a kiss. Fear not! Whether you’re getting ready for your first kiss, or you’re an experienced kisser and just want to improve your game for your first kiss with a new partner, a little learning is always useful.

How to Kiss the Girl – An Ultimate Guide To Express Love

Most guys just don’t realize how important that first kiss is to a woman. Are you wondering how to kiss your girl the first time? Kissing for the first time sure gives people butterflies in the stomach. However everyone looks forward to a memorable first kiss.

The Kiss Theory

Someone said “kissing is the contraction of the mouth due to the enlargement of the heart.” That basically means that a kiss is a result of an overwhelming emotion, a way to express your liking and love for a person. If it comes so naturally, then is it necessary to learn how to kiss? The answer to that is YES. When you kiss a woman for the first time, she decides right then and there if she ever wants to kiss you again!

How to kiss Good

If done right a good kiss can be intoxicating, magical and mesmerizing. A good kiss is a truly exhilarating experience that will leave you in a state of exquisite, euphoria. It is true that the basic procedures of kissing are well known, the subtle nuances of How to kiss good are not always so clear. A good kiss should be a deeply pleasurable experience for both you and your partner.
Learn how to kiss your girl and make that lasting impression for a lifetime through the following simple steps:
  • Privacy – In order to make your first kiss memorable one of the most important points to be kept in mind is to be all alone. You wouldn’t want to make a mess out of it or lose concentration with too many people around. Ideally he place shouldn’t be cluttered and should be comfortable and have a touch of sensuality.
  • Hygiene – should be the very first thing to consider when attempting to kiss well. Nobody enjoys kissing someone whose breath is unpleasant. Appearance matters well as bright clean teeth and fresh breath is a must. No matter how good your technique dirty teeth or cracked lips can never be part of an enjoyable kiss. Don’t forget the issue of overall hygiene. Body odor is obviously not going to win you any points and may just keep you from getting that kiss at all. You also cannot neglect facial hair. Guys, you also need to understand that your face can be very abrasive if you have not shaved very recently. Be considerate, clean and groomed.
  • Slow and Steady – The following is true if kissing someone for the first time. It’s not only polite, but it’s mature and dignified to always start with a closed mouth. Even if you have only a moment or two go slow, a rushed kiss will very seldom bring any pleasure. Don’t push too hard physically .When kissing, it is very seldom going to improve things if you press your mouth against your partner with too much force. On the other hand, if you kiss too softly your partner might wonder if you are actually there! Know the right balance and make the process equally enjoyable.
  • Starting Off - Ideally start by caressing her hand during the conversation, and squeezing it gently if she allows. Don’t wait for her to suggest a kiss, if you are being a good listener and have been paying attention; you will see the softening in her eyes. By really paying attention you may also find that she is tired of talking, and needs to be held. Move closer to your friend and place your thumb on her cheek, and your four fingers firmly but gently supporting her neck, while slowly looking into her eyes bring her face to yours.
  • Simply light and sweet – Most guys blow it at this stage! Do not start the kiss out with vengeance… lightly brush you lips against hers, then withdraw and give her a chance, to say No- just in case the timing is wrong. Be careful not to prolong the withdrawal, she should not get the impression that you think something is wrong with her. Reassure her by re-engaging in the kiss.
Once your lips touch, parse your lips as if you were sucking on a grape. When she opens her mouth, play with the tip of her tongue, never stick your tongue more than half into her mouth. Let the mechanics flow don’t rush out or get aggressive.
A kiss can be the beginning of something special and it’s said that many women believe the first kiss will tell them most of what they need to know about the budding relationship. So a guy must know how to kiss… well!


A kiss is a result of an overwhelming emotion, a way to express your liking and love for a person. Everyone looks forward to a memorable first kiss. Even if it comes so naturally, it is necessary to learn how to kiss.

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