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Sunday 13 February 2011

Intel's MeeGo is a no-go for phones

Intel's MeeGo software seems destined for obscurity, in the wake of the Nokia-Microsoft agreement announced yesterday.
Why do I say that? Intel made a splash at the Consumer Electronics Show last year by flourishing an LG phone with an operating system that would later be called, under joint ownership of Intel and Nokia, MeeGo. LG's phone was due in the second half of last year--according to this video taken at the 2010 CES. But it has yet to appear.
That's not in the least bit surprising. Why would LG build a phone with software that was being developed by a competitor (Nokia)? A high-ranking Intel executive confirmed this sticky situation to me last year in a meeting.
Needless to say, a MeeGo phone from Nokia is increasingly unlikely now.
"This is a Nokia decision. Yes, we're disappointed with it," said an Intel spokeswoman yesterday, reacting to the Nokia-Microsoft announcement. "But we still believe there's a smartphone component to [MeeGo]. And we're talking to other partners. But it's also Netbooks, tablets, set-top boxes, automotive systems. So, it's a lot more than just the phone element," she said.
That statement notwithstanding, there' a quick moral to this story. MeeGo is not an operating system for mass-market consumer devices, no matter how strenuously Intel would tell you otherwise.
I had a brief debate at the Consumer Electronics Show last month with Intel marketing chief Tom Kilroy about this. He put up a good defense. But he didn't change my mind. And, quite obviously, Intel has not impressed Nokia.
So, what is MeeGo and why does Intel continue to hold on to it with a vise grip? MeeGo is what is called a reference platform. It's a way for potential customers to try out Intel chips on an open source platform with full support from the chipmaker.
"That's what Intel is known for. Building a lot of reference designs to show the industry what is possible. With MeeGo, they needed to get out there and demonstrate that their platform was viable," said Richard Shim, an analyst with market researcher DisplaySearch. "That it could sustain and help nurture a robust mobile experience. They wouldn't have objected if it had taken off as a full-fledged platform, but it wasn't being taken up (by device makers) very rapidly. It definitely took a hit with the Nokia Microsoft announcement," he said.
What else is MeeGo? It's an operating system for the so-called embedded market, such as in-car devices and industrial equipment, where it is doing well, according to Kilroy.
So, MeeGo will be sticking around but don't expect to pick up a consumer device at your local electronics retailer running the software. Friday's announcement made that a moral certainty.

Vidal Sassoon

A fast-paced feature documentary spanning 80 years of revolution in history and culture, Vidal Sassoon The Movie is a true rags to riches tale, tracing Sassoon’s path from a London orphanage to international success and celebrity. Following Michael Gordon, founder of hair care company Bumble and bumble as he sets out to document Vidal's life in a richly visual book the movie tells the story of how Sassoon revolutionized the world of hair – his pioneering, geometric, Bauhaus-inspired styles and “wash and wear” philosophy quite literally changing the way women looked. The fashion, style and social revolutions of the 1960's come alive as the design of the book and the film unfold.                  

IPad Apps 2011

Now that 2011 has arrived it’s time to start playing around on your new iPad. The first thing you need to do on your iPad is download some iPad apps. The hard part is picking out the best apps. No one wants to spend $1.99 or $.99 on an iPad app they don’t like. Read this little review of the best iPad apps for 2011 and you will not only save some money but have a lot of fun in the process.
#10 NetFlix iPad App
NetFlix is taking over the world and the process they have taken down giant companies like Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. However, the NetFlix iPad app is perfect for your new iPad. The iPads screen is big enough so you can sit back and enjoy personal TV shows and movies right in your lap. The only drawback to this app is it has a monthly fee instead of a one time deal. The up side is you can always cancel if you don’t like it for some reason. But trust us, you will!
Download NetFlix App – $8.99/Month
#9 Kindle iPad App
The Kindle ebook reader has been a big hit for book lovers. A lot of handheld junkies thought they would have to either settle for an iPad or a Kindle but with the Kindle iPad app all they need is one! It seems like this would cause an issue with Amazon because they are going to lose Kindle sales but so far they have no complained. Book lovers are not complaining either because this Kindle App is actually free to download. If you already have a Kindle account all you have to do is login and you can start reading your favorite books instantly. If you don’t have an account all you have to do is create one and download a few books and you’re good to go.
Download Kindle App – Free!
#8 Bloomberg iPad App
If you are into stocks or financial news then the Bloomberg iPad app is for you. It is by far the most comprehensive stock app available for download. Please don’t think this is just some average app where you can view stock quotes and stock symbols. It offers free bloomberg podcasts, breaking business news alerts, currency exchange and even customizable charting options. This app is 100% free so make sure you download now before they make it cost something.
Download Bloomberg App – Free!
#7 Flickr iPad App
Sharing photos on the web has become something of a past time for this generation. Girls and guys all like to take pictures of anything they are doing in their lives and show it off to the world. Flickr has become a leading site in photo sharing and now you can view and share photos right from your iPad. The cool thing about this Flicker iPad app is that you don’t even need an account to use it. It uses the public streams to pull pictures right off of Flickr and displays them on your iPad.
Download Flickr App – $1.99/$4.99
#6 SketchBook Pro iPad App
Everyone enjoys doodling when they are bored or procrastinating. Sometimes it can be tiresome to go get a pencil and piece of paper just to doodle down some notes or draw a picture. Once you download the SketchBook Pro iPad app you won’t ever need that pencil or paper again! All you need is your finger and your trusty iPad and you can become an artist in no time. The cool thing about this app is you can choose from lots of brushes and tools to enhance your drawing. For all the artists out there pick up this app ASAP!
Download SketchBook Pro App - $7.99
#5 Virtuoso Piano iPad App
I am sure the real Pianists reading this will probably stay far away from the Virtuoso Piano iPad app because it can’t match up to the real thing. But if you are looking for a cool, free app to show your friends or just mess around on then there is no better app than this for the iPad. If you are a pro then you can choose to turn off the note symbols for a more challenging time. Have fun with this one!
Download Virtuoso Piano App – Free!
#4 Earth Flags iPad App
Don’t let this apps name fool you into thinking it’s just some basic app that allows you to view flags on your iPad. Earth Flags is actually one of the more advanced iPad apps on the marketplace. Not only can you view every flag from every country in the world but you can also view capital cities, listen to national anthems, find calling codes, and internet TLDs. Not only is this one of the best apps around it’s also one of the biggest. Please give it a few minutes to download to your iPad.
Download Earth Flags – $1.99
#3 Fruit Ninja iPad App
The Fruit Ninja iPad app may be one of the most addictive games to ever be created. The concept of the game is very simple; slice fruit with your fingers. The thing that makes it so cool is how fast paced it is and how many different ways you can chop up the fruit with your ninja-fast hands. The only downside to this app is it is a little pricey but it is well worth it trust us.
Download Fruit Ninja App – $2.99/$4.99
#2 Plants vs. Zombies iPad App
Tower defense games have been around for 10+ years but none of them have ever gotten as big as Plants vs. Zombies. First the game took over the internet and quickly moved to the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. The game has become a ‘must-have’ for any true gamer out there. What makes this game so fun is how in depth it gets as you progress through it. More crazy plants and zombies begin to come out of nowhere as you get to the later stages of the game. Don’t let the price on this app scare you because it will be the best money you have ever spent!
Download Plants vs. Zombies App – $6.99
#1 Angry Birds iPad App
Angry Birds has become the flagship app for the iPad. The concept of the game is very simple; launch angry birds at pigs to get back their eggs. The fun thing about the Angry Birds app is that it can be either laid back or very competitive. You can mess around with your friends of go after the #1 spot on the Angry Birds leader board. It’s no mistake that this is the #1 iPad app so if you have to choose one iPad application to download make sure you get Angry Birds.
Download Angry Birds App – $4.99

The best horror movies ever

Horror fans can’t be pleased about the state of the blood-soaked genre. Hollywood seems more interested in cranking out tepid remakes and reboots of classic horror movies (see the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street) rather than surprising us with something original.
The shock success of Paranormal Activity in 2009 stands as a rare - and welcome - exception.
Plenty of smart and creepy horror films have come out in recent years, but there’s a good chance they never played at a theater near you. No matter, since the DVD shelves are a fine place to discover some buried horror treasures.
Consider these 10 films the next time you’re in the mood for a good fright and want to steer clear of another mindless slasher film.
1. Splinter (2008)

The setup is simple. Two couples seek shelter in a convenience store after someone - or something - attacks them. The dynamic between the couples provides its own sense of danger, but so, too, does the mysterious creature slamming itself against the store’s window front trying to break in. The clever visual effects leave audiences unsure exactly what’s trying to gobble up the protagonists, and you’ll be rooting for the film’s heavy, played with gusto by Shea Whigham.
2. Eden Lake (2008)

This British chiller follows a couple eager for a romantic camping trip. What they stumble onto is a pack of unruly teenagers who terrorize them at every turn. Lake doesn’t need monsters or vampires to leave us breathless. It’s the thought of everyday kids running amok that does the trick.
3. Rogue (2007)

A killer croc movie? Pass. Not so fast. This Aussie import provides some beautiful scenery and expertly crafted thrills. The attractive cast doesn’t hurt, including Michael Vartan of Alias fame and the under-rated Radha Mitchell (Melinda and Melinda)
4. The House of the Devil (2009)

This 2009 film paid homage to the early ’80s horror movies with one big difference. It’s actually smarter and more satisfying than the films from the time period it’s emulating. A broke college student decides to take a babysitting gig in a creepy old mansion. Bad move. Fun movie. Just be patient. The film starts very slowly and takes some time before it reaches the boiling point.
5. Shuttle (2008)

This shocker is less a pure horror film than a nail-biting thriller, but there’s enough blood spilled to qualify for the genre. A group of travelers make their way onto an airport shuttle to deliver them back home. The shuttle bus driver has other plans. You might not believe some of the twists that soon unfold, but the film barrels forward at a breakneck pace.
6. Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)

The slasher genre gets skewered in this sly horror comedy. A wannabe serial killer named Leslie Vernon hires a documentary crew to shoot the dawn of his killing spree. This no-budget affair offers some funny observations on the horror genre and manages to be creepy as Leslie goes to work.
7. Wolf Creek (2005)

This one is unsettling, plain and simple. Three travelers, lost in the Australian Outback, run into a charismatic local who knows the lay of the land. That’s all that can be shared about the film without giving too much away. Director Greg McLean, who is also responsible for Rogue, takes his sweet time before unleashing the evil. But when it comes … it hits about as hard as a horror film can. Not for the squeamish.
8. Pontypool (2008)

This sleeper might be the most cerebral shocker on this list. It’s the tale of a wizened disc jockey trying to maintain his cool as a zombie-like outbreak spreads across the town. Don’t expect blood and guts mayhem, just psychological terror anchored by a great lead performance from Stephen McHattie.
9. The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

Horror fans couldn’t wait for this feature, an adaptation of one of author Clive Barker’s creepier tales. But the film’s studio rushed it into but a few theaters before it raced to DVD. Train isn’t a classic by any means. The ending is a bit bloodless, dramatically speaking, but it’s one of the more brutal horror films in recent years, should that be your cup of joe. Vinnie Jones provides a terrifying screen presence as a passenger to be avoided at all costs.
10. Slither (2006)

Think horror-comedy and films like Shaun of the Dead and An American Werewolf in London rush to mind, and for good reason. But this no-nonsense thriller is a perky blend of laughter and gross-out moments. A meteor crashes to earth, bringing with it a creature eager to infiltrate a small Midwestern town. Firefly’s Nathan Fillion finds the right tongue in cheek groove to make this romp a guiltless pleasure.