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Saturday 23 October 2010

Breakdance moves

Breakdance moves are totally dependent on the break dancer and his flexibility. This is why there are tons of variations in the breakdance moves which make it a really versatile and flexible dance form. It can be molded according to the capabilities and the creativity of the dancer and the level up to which he or she wants to take it. The list of breakdance moves, therefore is pretty vast and the amount of variation that has been seen over the years is amazing. However, there are a few key characteristic moves that are very typical of this dance form. All the variations are based on these moves. Everything else is just a modification of the ground rules to come up with something that is practically feasible and is pleasing to the eye.
If we start from the very beginning of a breakdance routine then one of the first things that a dancer does on stage is the Top Rock. This is basically an introduction or a prelude to the actual performance. It consists of movements that are done while standing up. They mainly include footwork and breakdance moves that show off how well the dancer can keep up with the rhythm and choreograph something that is based on the music piece. The Top Rock is also a way of intimidating one's opponent or simply a way of introducing oneself. There are quite a few versions of the Top Rock that are popular all over the United States. They include the Indian Step, Uprock, Boying, Side Step, etc.

The other form of breakdance moves that are quite famous are the Drops. These are basically moves that land the dancer on the floor from a standing or sitting position. There are many kinds of drops. The Coin Drop for example is a move that we see all the time. This involves the dancer going down on one arm and then performing a windmill. Apart from that, there are several moves which are characteristic of the break dancers which include the One Knee Drop, Sweep Drop and the Corkscrew to name a few.
Then there are Floor Rocks which are moves that are done on the floor and usually involve some sort of stunts or moves that demand flexibility and agility. The Scissors is a typical move that is very popular as well. It needs the dancer to balance on the ground with his hands while moving his legs in a to and fro manner much like a pair of scissors.
Apart from these breakdance moves there are several Freezes which are by far the most challenging and the most difficult of all. Freezes essentially involve poses that look as if they have been paused during motion. Hence the name freezes. They include several famous one like the Air baby, Baby Freeze, Side Chair and the Nike Freeze. Power moves are a major part of breakdance moves too. They include the famous Air flare which now has numerous variations which have been developed by breakers all over the United States.

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